Please choose to do either Project 1 or Project 2, either is fine and valid, and both will be considered for the prizes. Project 1 can be done on A5 sheet of paper so is easier to post, Project 2 needs to be on larger paper, either A4 or A3 best, NO BIGGER PLEASE

IMPORTANT : Consider delivery options before choosing your project/card/paper size, see rules

Project 1 : Shape and Colour Drawing / designing

So, here is a wee treat for all you really busy parents out there!!   It's the simple things in life that count.  This project is super super simple and can be done over and over again.  Also it's a great one for all ages.......

This is one of my favourite trade secrets.........whenever I'm really busy with a large group of kids in an art camp, and I have to prepare something for the next project and I need the kids to be calm and quiet for 20 minutes while I get things organised, this is what I ask them to do.

Please get an A5 (must be A5) sheet of black paper or card, small sheets of card are best for this project and a bunch of freshly sharpened colouring pencils (nothing better).  Black card is the preferred option, but at this time, that may not be possible in your household, so white paper is fine.  But it must be A5 in size, (half A4)

The aim of the project is to fill every inch of the card with colour and shapes in a considered designed manner.

Ask the child to think of as many colours and as many different shapes as possible It's a design project, before you start think about fabric design, wall paper design etc etc look at all the colourful clothes they are wearing, discuss shapes and try to get them to say as many shapes they can think of and discuss colours, what colours work well together and get them to name as many colours as possible.

Demonstrate one drawing in front of them first, I find if you put this time in, it will pay off, they will try harder and make better images.  I usually demonstrate all sorts of different shapes including borders and show how to fill them in with further shapes and colour, examples included below.  Consider all sides of the paper, how they might be connected with a shape like a spiral or a snake shape.  Really ignite their imagination .

  And lastly, I tell them not to rush it !! It will be better if completed in a careful considered prizes for first finished......................

The images below are some super examples, mades by a range of different aged children, apologies for the shadows, but they have been photographed behind glass. as already framed!

Happy designing