Please choose to do either Project 1 or Project 2, either is fine and valid, and both will be considered for the prizes. Project 1 can be done on A5 sheet of paper so is easier to post, Project 2 needs to be on larger paper, either A4 or A3 best, NO BIGGER PLEASE
IMPORTANT : Consider delivery options before choosing your project / card/paper size, see rules
Project 2 : Imaginary World Drawings
There is nothing better than the imagination of a child and I love nothing more than seeing this in their art. More often than not a child just needs a gentle push in the right direction, a few pointers and ideas for their creative juices to start flowing.
All you need is an A3 or A4 sheet of white card, again card is preferable but if paper is all you have, that is fine, but please no bigger than A3. And some good sharp colouring pencils. Consider delivery options before choosing your card/paper size, see rules on info page.
A blank sheet of paper can be daunting to the best of artists and especially to a child. So the first thing to do is get a ruler and ask the child to draw a line horizontally across the page, this line should divide the sheet of paper into two equally sized sections, top and bottom. This line does not have to be perfect, do not stress about even getting it perfectly straight and the top and bottom sections don’t even have to be exactly the same size. I know how kids can be at times about getting things perfect, but really don’t worry., just get a line across the sheet and end up with two sections, approximately the same size.
There are two rules to this project as follows:
1. Everything drawn above the line is the real world, houses, street, trees, forest etc etc.
2. Everything drawn below the line is the imaginary world and they can draw anything they like. In this section, encourage them to use their imagination, let it run wild. Brain storm with them what could go into their imaginary world. Look at children’s books, they are always full of great drawings and will give great inspiration. Some examples can be seen in the drawings below.
It is effective to link the two sections, the real world and the imaginary world together, by roads, tunnels, doorways, tree trunks or roots.
This is a super project and if done well will keep them occupied for a while. It can be good to draw first with pencil and colour in after. Use lots of colour, nice sharp colouring pencils are best.
The aim would be to fill all the paper with colour, no white paper left at the end. So you end up with a detailed and colourful drawing.