Exercising the Ghosts
Louise Cherry ‘All that’s left of you in me’ exhibition text
By Cristín Leach
The artist Louise Cherry has a note on her studio wall that reads, “a need to make sense of the inexplicable”. It’s one of a series of lines she has taken from podcasts, interviews, books she has read, phrases and ideas that stuck in her mind as she was making her current body of work, ‘All that’s left of you in me’. The project began with a proposal, “to collaborate with my father again”, and a feeling that she needed to go back to making more conceptual work, something she had not done since her graduate photography won critical and international acclaim in the early 2000s, and since her last solo show in 2008.
In the studio, more words pinned to the wall form a kind of mantra while offering a loose set of guidelines for proceeding: “learning to see something confusing”, “sometimes what isn’t there is vital”, “art resolves nothing”, “anxiety is the root of mark making”, “if the work doesn’t penetrate or wound in some way, then it’s failed”. Cherry’s father died in 2009, following a long illness with Parkinson’s disease, and six months after she showed the results of their collaborative project ‘You, you and me’ in Studio 6 at Temple Bar Gallery and Studios in Dublin, for which she built a remarkable, temporary, decaying, suspended sculpture, held together by gravity, balance and weight.
Robin Cherry had wanted to be a painter but art school was not permitted and so he became an architect instead. In 2023, Louise Cherry, now working as an abstract painter, joined life drawing classes to follow in her father’s figurative style, but found that what brought her closer to him was not the act of drawing, rather a more tactile, object-memory-based connection: the blades she used to sharpen her pencils, putty rubbers. She pulled from her shelves art books her father had owned, including one featuring Auguste Rodin's erotic drawings, and books she had used as an art student in Dublin herself. She started thinking again about the nude, the male gaze, and representations of the female body and naked bodies in art and elsewhere. Suddenly the project was no longer about collaboration with her father. “He began to leave the studio”, she says. “I gave myself permission to do something different and that’s when I started playing”.
She began making cutouts of famous nudes in art, including those featured in works by Tracey Emin and Lynda Benglis. She turned them into stencils and silhouettes. She started thinking about cyberporn and the sexually explicit digital landscape that is part of the everyday background visual culture for twenty-first century teenagers, including her own kids, and how that might relate to a legacy landscape and visual culture of artworld nudes, which is hers.
The works that have emerged owe a debt to all that has come before, including Cherry’s own experiences in life and as an artist. Treating nude figures as flat and cartoon-like but recognisable forms, she began incorporating the body as a negative space into her work. Referencing childhood fables, games and nursery rhymes in some of her titles, she started to unravel the disconnect between child and adult understanding: The snakes won’t catch you on the way down (2024); Red Riding Hood contemplates swimming instead (2024). Taking an instinctive approach, she also began working to find a fruitful meeting point between figurative and abstract representation in her painting.
The slow death of the artist (2023) is one of a trio of works that marry language with image directly, as the titles, The slow death of the artist, The digital nanny does it again (2024), and The Garden of Confusion (2024), are painted directly onto each canvas in pink. Digital nanny revisits Lynda Benglis’s notoriously shocking and iconic 1974 Artforum Advertisement, for which she posed nude with a dildo. Slow death features a looming, ghostly figure, and more reminders of the many pointers back towards art history and to Cherry’s own wider visual and cultural contexts, references, and inheritances.
The slow death of the artist could be about Cherry, her father, her relationship with her father, or her relationship with herself or her art. This artist is working her way into the messy thickets of memory and connection, and painting to find her path out. Ghostly forms hover behind the plant-fronds in I promise the sky isn’t falling down (2023). In one moment, it appears as though a forlorn and broken seated female figure is being visited by an angel, wings wide in comforting embrace. At another glance, the same female figure appears vulnerable and startled, threatened by an open-mouthed monster. All of this occurs at once in a jungle of sensory overload, where finger-like branches resemble red veins and bloodlines (with visual echoes of the work of Frida Kahlo, who is referenced elsewhere in the show).
There is violence in the painterly gestures that carry the composition in Throwing the baby out with the bathwater (2023), with its tumbling bodies and the deliberately unchecked busy-ness of each brushstroke. This is layered work, intuitive in its use of colour, physical in its making, imbued with the energy that prompted its origins. A series of small circular paintings, My three Graces (2024), show nude figures trapped behind a network of lines.
On a technical level, the tension between the female body and the world it occupies seems potentially resolved in four small, collaged and painted self-portraits: Falling - self-portrait as a life drawing I, II, III and IV (2024). But Cherry is working out big themes at large scale too. At a metre and a half wide, Perfecting the art of catfishing (2024) has no nude cutout figures and seems to point towards a narrowing of the conflict between abstraction and representation. It's a muscular painting, an unapologetic one, and it contains much of what she has been working to unravel in and through this work. “There’s a whole world in there underneath that black,” she says.
Although she begins with uncensored gut instinct, she makes conscious decisions about how much to give away explicitly. She’s interested in these paintings as a spark for discussion, in the work as a site for conflict, and perhaps confusion, rawness and debate. We and she are encountering cultural and personal demons and ghosts with every gesture she makes. She describes her process as "painting, destroying, painting again… until the final painting is discovered". Experimentation with texture and pigment is important. Her oil and acrylic surfaces are layered with drips and scrapes. There is tension between the chemical makeups of the materials, and a clear understanding of art as physical, psychological, emotional, as much as it is a visual mode of expression. Here is an artist finding freedom and wisdom in a still exploratory space, not exorcising so much as she is carefully exercising the sprits now clambering for presence in her paint.
Published VAN, VIA newsletter March 2025 And RTE Culture February 2025
Louise Cherry, ‘All that’s left of you in me’, An Chéad Tine Art Gallery, Kilkenny, 23 Feb - 25 March 2025. First shown at Signal Arts Centre, Bray, Jul-Aug 2024
Louise Cherry: Members Only, Riverbank Arts Centre, Newbridge, Co. Kildare
Riverbank Arts Centre, Newbridge, Co. Kildare, 19 January to 27 February 2004
Dublin’s gentlemen’s clubs, traditionally closed to female membership, provide the starting point for this exhibition’s investigation into themes of exclusion, gender, family and history. Cherry attempts to unravel some of the emotional and social complexities of these ‘members only’ establishments. The artist uses her own image in these photographic works, challenging the historical exclusion of her gender, and highlighting years of absence with an assertive presence. Contrasts such as feminine (the private sphere) and masculine (the public sphere) arise, in work that deals with the inscribed gender and power roles invisibly embedded in private leisure spaces as well as domestic environments.
Louise Cherry, from Members Only , C-ytpe print, 2001: Courtesy Riverbank Arts Centre
The spatial strategy of displaying the work clearly reflects these inherent contrasts. The upper gallery shows images of the exteriors of various Dublin gentlemen’s clubs, photographs literally taken by an outsider looking in. In the lower gallery, a more intimate space, Cherry turns the camera on herself in an examination of her place within/outside this social structure. There is a struggle to locate and represent herself within this male-oriented culture, and an attempt to subvert its accepted codes of visual representation. Referencing ideas of the female masquerade, she follows a number of artists critiquing notions of predetermined gender/power relations and the controlling male gaze. 1 One image depicts the back of an armchair facing a fireplace. The figure seated in it is holding a glass of port in a formal, white-cuffed hand, a masculine pose synonomous with wealth, power and status: this impression is belied however by the high-heeled foot visible at the bottom of the chair.
There are also two portraits in elaborate gilt frames, of the artist dressed in female and male period clothing. It’s difficult not to think of Cindy Sherman when viewing these particular works, the History portraits series in particular.
Some of the most successful works in the exhibition are the pieces that were less obviously confrontational or loaded with historical and social signifiers. This allows for a more open-ended contextualisation of the issues around the disenfranchised and excluded state of ‘otherness’, and allows the viewer more freedom to enter the work.
Cherry’s concern of the historical absence of women from the gentleman’s clubs of Dublin in this work also implicitly refers to their exclusion from the canon of art history – surely one of the biggest gentlemen’s clubs of them all.
1 From Claude Cahun to more contemporary work: see the recent review in Circa 106 of And the one Doesn’t Stir Without the Other at the Ormeau Baths, pp. 68-69
Louise Cherry: Members Only, 19 January to 27 February 2004, Riverbank Arts Centre, Newbridge, Co. Kildare.
Sarah Browne is an artist and writer currently based in Co. Kildare.
Published Circa Art Magazine on: Tuesday 3 February 2004

Congratulations for taking part, for completing a beautiful submission and entering into a competition that is supporting children who are less fortunate in life than you. Congratulations for having one of your drawings included in an exhibition in a real gallery, that’s one for the CV !! Who knew when I started this competition that so many children from all over the country would take part. I have had over 400 entries from over 150 different schools nationwide and I’ve been truly overwhelmed by the effort and standard of all the artwork. Together we have raised nearly €5,000, all of which will be donated to the Jack and Jill Foundation.
As an artist, I am only too aware that a blank canvas can be daunting and so to encourage as many of you to participate as possible I designed two project briefs that you could follow. One of the project briefs, the ‘imaginary world’ seems to have particularly ignited imaginations and it is fascinating to see, through the images into your worlds. The entries are incredible, visually, technically and conceptually; you have all put so much effort into your drawings, I feel honoured to have them in my possession and I have kept true to my word, every single entry I received is currently hanging on the wall in my gallery, it is a breathtaking display of imagination, design and colour.
The entries have touched on so many moving subjects, many of which reflect on the situation we currently find ourselves in with yet more level 5 restrictions; covid, lockdown, restrictions, boredom, loneness and home schooling. But many other everyday topics were displayed too, climate change, sea pollution, deforestation, friendship, sport, parties, birthdays, bullying, death, loss, birth and family. What really struck me, was that what would normally be in the real world, hanging out with friends, playing team sports and going to a party etc, all shifted to the imaginary world. This clearly demonstrated to me that everyone who entered have a very clear perception of what is going on in their lives due to lockdown restrictions, the difficulties that they are experiencing and through their art they have been able to express this really well. I am so impressed.
There are a number of people I have to thank, firstly my judging panel, the standard of all entries was so amazing, it was not an easy task to choose winners: Award winning Irish children’s author Sarah Webb, Award winning Irish designer Eoin Shanley from Copperfish Lighting and Arts facilitator and children’s gallery coordinator, Mathilde Murray-Veldt. There are some amazing prizes generously donated by local Wicklow businesses, many thanks to Ronan Rose-Roberts Architects, Hopkins ToyMaster, Bridge Street Books, Sorrel and Eve, The Sports Room, Squirrel Scramble, The Art Studio and The Coffee Shop. And I must thank my own children Juno and Reuben who could not enter the competition themselves but were both central to the success of this whole project.
The school prize was won by local Ashford school, Nun Cross National School, however as this is the school my son, Reuben goes to, I have decided to create a second school prize for the runner up, GlenBrien National School in Enniscorthy. When Covid is under control both schools will get a day of art workshops for the kids given by myself.
Please click on the links below to see 4 winners and highly commended entries in each category. And a big well done again to everyone who took part. Looking forward to next year !
5th/6th CLASS 3rd/4th CLASS 1st/2nd CLASS Junior/Senior Infants
Click this link to donate https://www.justgiving.com/fundr.../louise-cherry-gallery... Jack & Jill provide in-home nursing care and respite support for children up to the age of five, with a range of neurodevelopmental issues including brain injury, genetic diagnosis and severe cerebral palsy. On a personal note, the Jack and Jill Foundation offer huge support to my sister, Clare and her husband Pierre with their beautiful son Jace. Read more about Jace here