The act of subverting, the systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a system by working secretly within to deliberately cause destruction………………………..

These deliberately delicate and intricate paintings have been made to force the viewer to look more closely.  From a distance, visible bold and vibrant lines possibly represent the beginning or ending of something or define an area of the painting.  On closer inspection, the  tattered, broken and fragile elements of each line appear.  The bold lines float in space, not appearing to begin or end anywhere, they exist without clear definition of either their role or direction. The blurred shapes that form around them and the delicate details within draw the viewer to look more closely, to compare the contrast between the real and imagined contours, lines and shapes.  The bold lines and subtle areas mark the edges or limitations of something, something unknown within the canvases, something hidden or imagined.

This work aims to explore our visual relationships, limitations and tensions with places of memory, personal and physical boundaries, subversive spaces and liminal places.  Cherry is trying to challenge her viewer, at first glance, these painting look so simple almost child like, they are delicate and pretty.  However, her paintings come to life in the underworld beneath the vast areas of bland cream and whiteness.   Deliberately destructing the visual to intrigue, to challenge and to entice the viewer to look closely, Cherry through her act of subverting; overthrowing the visual norms; subverting her viewers expectations raises the issues of boundaries within visual culture and also within the personal, geographical or political worlds.