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Subversion V

Acrylic on canvas, 2021,

1m x 1m x 4cm,

Original Sold, Private collection

Subversion..............1 : the act of subverting : the state of being subverted especially : a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working secretly from within. 2 obsolete : a cause of overthrow or destruction.

From a visual viewpoint, Louise is passionate about creating images that are a bit different from the norm. She doesn’t only want to visually please her viewer, she aims to challenge them. Louise strongly believes that if a painting doesn’t challenge then it is stagnant. A run of the mill, ordinary painting might look “pretty” to begin with but the visual intrigue may not last the test of time.

It is with these beliefs in the visual that Louise embarked on this new series of work, entitled “Subversion”. Through these paintings Louise is deliberately destructing the visual in the attempt to increase the intrigue factor, to challenge the viewer, to entice them to look closer and examine the painting in more detail as they try and work out what actually is going on in the painting. Parts of the visual are deliberately blocked by other aspects of the painting, making it difficult to see or understand fully what is going on behind.

During Louises exploration process for this series, she began to realise that in reality she was attempting a form of Subversion.........she was attempting to overthrow visual norms, what the viewer expects from her and give them something completely different. It is this that makes this work so intriguing, enticing, visually challenging and exciting. The viewer will want to come back again and again to the image, each time seeing something that they had not seen the time before.

The images in the Subversion series have a truly special and unique quality to them, the depth of the painting created by layer upon layer of different paintings combined with the striking colours used, make them a feast for both the eye and the imagination. Again, Louise has achieved something different and brave in her visual, they will not disappoint.